Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!


Solenzi – Turmeric & Rice Gnocchetti

Author and photos by: Maycko Macapugas

You can never have too much pasta– well, you can, but some health-oriented alternatives wouldn’t hurt either! While any pasta alternative won’t necessarily get rid of the carbs we fear and love, Flavour Revolution Solenzi provides a variety of choices for those with gluten-free needs.

Of course the challenge for me wasn’t necessarily tasting or cooking the pasta. Rather, I found it challenging to figure out what to cook with the pasta and to help bring out and enhance the embedded flavours. With so many pastas available, I was inclined to do some research into what would help with the taste!

Also, eating pasta alone is never fun, so I got some friends together and made it a community thing; pasta seems to be a community thing.



Roasted Pulses: A Delicate Snack

Written and photos by: Maycko Macapugas

Roasted. Legumes. Snacks. I mean, I’ve heard of vegetable snacks, but when I heard and read about these I was definitely intrigued. Three Farmers’ Roasted Chickpeas and roasted Pea Pops contain the nutritional value you can expect in legumes. Yet, their additional flavouring may trick your tastebuds into thinking they’re bad for you! Of course– all in moderation.



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