Powerful Two-Bite Snacks

Author and Photo Credit : Maycko Macapugas

Snacking is hard to avoid. When we think snacks, we likely think sweets, sugar, or the “junk food”. Although, you probably shouldn’t avoid it, the difficult part about snacking comes when trying to find something that isn’t too sweet, or something that has more nutritional impact. PatsyPie can offer you a nice solution.



‘Oreo’ Sure This is Gluten Free?

  Eating gluten-free doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice your sweet tooth. As much as I love all things sugary and decadent, I’m always looking for health-conscious alternatives for those non-cheat ‘cheat’ days. Thankfully, there are numerous products on the market that are customized to various dietary restrictions. For example, Glutino’s Chocolate Vanilla Creme cookie[…]

Soft, Nutritional, and Sweet

Author and Photo Credit : Maycko Macapugas

Bread. Most can do an okay job of baking a loaf. Others not so much. And the rest? Well the rest do a superb job. The pressure to bake a good loaf of bread is even more intense when you’re baking for those with gluten sensitivity. Schär delivers expertise for gluten free baked breads.


Cheese, Pasta, Turkey; Did Someone Say Lasagna?

  Author and Photo : Maycko Macapugas Turkey, Thanksgiving. If you hadn’t had enough of your Turkey fill, then stock up on McLean’s Turkey Lasagnas. Put simply, this is one exemplification of ‘great things come in small packages.’ This meal comes packaged as a single serving which is great for a work lunch (given access[…]

Campfire Nostalgia

Author and Photos : Maycko Macapugas

Picture this: Camping. Friends, Fire, and the smell the wilderness.

Someone pulls out all you need for s’mores and before you know it your hands are covered in chocolate, crumbs and marshmallows.  The thing I appreciate about the Schar Chocolate Honeygrams is you can probably avoid (most of) the mess thanks to the way they’ve packaged these snacks.

The product being gluten free I was prepared for a pile of crumbs after munching on these. There was a pile, yes, but nothing more than I would expect when snacking on graham cookies.  The mess could also be attributed to the fact that I devoured these cookies at record speed.




Oat Cookie Goodness

Author : Maycko Macapugas
Photos: Logan Kardash


Oats: My mouth gets dry just thinking about them. Even oatmeal can sometimes give me an uneasy feeling.  This was my first instinct when finding out about Nairn’s Gluten Free Oat Cookies. While my initial inclination was only marginally right, the neutral tones of the oats did well to convey all the biscuit flavours.


Chocolate has an alluring nature that most of us can’t seem to resist. What’s really great about Nairn’s chocolate oat cookies is how subtle the flavour is. If it weren’t for the neutral taste of the cookies’ oat base, the chocolate would be everything but present.  It looks like it would be chocolate-flavoured, and the first crisp bite of the cookie is undeniably true to that. The remaining bites (cookies come in packets of four), leave you waiting for more chocolate explosion. If you want to tease your tastebuds, I’d suggest having these with a cup of coffee, or even having these the next time you make some s’mores!


Chocolate. Nut-Free. Gluten-Free. Oh my!

Author : Maycko Macapugas Photos: Logan Kardash Most, if not all of us, hear SunRype and we might think: grade school, lunchtime, juice boxes. Learning that SunRype had created these interesting bite-sized chocolate goodness snacks made me curious. I was surprised to find that SunRype had since moved from juice boxes and fruit snacks and[…]

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